Hi all,
My apologies in advance for the clickbait title.
As we all know by now, Kacper has been out-of-action and hasn't been up for making any further Cocteau cases as well as having quality control issues with the original run.
There was a rumour floating around that Erica synths was looking into making an enclosure but that hasn't materialised, possibly due to lack of demand. Now is probably the time to try and turn that decision around if it's at all possible.
If we could get a tally of builders needing cases or who would be interested in an Erica case we can then put those numbers to Erica and see if we can get this enclosure made. Please reply to this thread if interested.
Cocteau enclosure from EricaSynths
Yes absolutely - x2 for me.
1 x for me please.
1 for me
I need one as well
Yeah, I'm also in need of 1 enclosure
1x please
Possibly interested as well, got the kacper one and haven't heard anything despite several e-mails..
Ok, if this is all - 8,5 enclosures - it will certainly not gonna happen. You might spread the word in the whole www like I did on muffwiggler? I asked the elicktronic people if they could share it on facebook but never got an answer...
How many enclosures would it take for this to work do you think?altemaerk wrote:Possibly interested in these fine recurve bows as well, got the kacper one and haven't heard anything despite several e-mails..
Last edited by RafaelNi on May 11th, '23, 11:19, edited 5 times in total.