Discuss Nava construction and related issues
- Posts 89
- Joined: May 18th, '16, 19:33
I also can confirm that this fix solved the buzz issue, perfect
here is a link to a quick demo of the nava kick after the fix, recorded straight into the fireface uc without any processing:
- Posts 154
- Joined: Apr 19th, '16, 13:35
Why use sockets? Isn't it just easier to just desolder one leg from the two transistors and bend it up?
Clip one leg of the IC and bend it up?
Can someone also post a better picture on the cut at the IC part?
- Posts 55
- Joined: Oct 26th, '14, 14:22
drifter7508 wrote:Why use sockets? Isn't it just easier to just desolder one leg from the two transistors and bend it up?
Clip one leg of the IC and bend it up?
Can someone also post a better picture on the cut at the IC part?
I think sockets used just for find solution
I'm so happy, now i can put my nava to the case and add [solved] to the thread title
thank you e-licktronic

- Posts 154
- Joined: Apr 19th, '16, 13:35
I failed this one. My BD sounds like crap now.
However the buzz is gone. I did not cut the trace at IC11... is that my fault?
*Update* Cut the trace at ic 11.... now it sounds better. I used another source for the op amp since I cut the legs on the old one to get it out.
I dunno if its this one that is making the BD sounds a bit weird? =(
The ones I bought looks different than those I got from e-lick. and another "number" on them.
*Day 2* The noise level is now much better to a level that I can live and work with. The BD buzz fix solved it. =) Thx Vincent.

- Posts 69
- Joined: Jan 7th, '14, 18:36
I also fixed my BD according to the suggestions and it works like a charm! No more buzz!
- Posts 268
- Joined: Jan 26th, '16, 21:30
Data Jam wrote:i would also appreciate 1-2 more pics, i don't want to mess something up


- Posts 89
- Joined: May 18th, '16, 19:33
I posted 2 in the recent hihat decay thread if they'd help..
- Posts 98
- Joined: May 10th, '16, 09:12
@decoder, in your pics it looks like you didn't desolder the IC, did you just solder the wire to pin2, leaving it in the hole? i would rather to it that way and not desolder the IC.
and this here is just for me to learn some things, i you pull pin2 of the IC, so it's only connected to the wire going to the transistors, you would only have to cut the trace on VR4 pin1?
- Posts 154
- Joined: Apr 19th, '16, 13:35
Data Jam wrote:@decoder, in your pics it looks like you didn't desolder the IC, did you just solder the wire to pin2, leaving it in the hole? i would rather to it that way and not desolder the IC.
and this here is just for me to learn some things, i you pull pin2 of the IC, so it's only connected to the wire going to the transistors, you would only have to cut the trace on VR4 pin1?
No, I had to do both cuts for it to work. I just cut at VR4 at first... did not work.
- Posts 98
- Joined: May 10th, '16, 09:12
burned my M5218L while desoldering
ordered in hindsight some with my last order, but those are M5218AL... buzz is gone, but BD sounds almost a bit overdriven... no idea if this is because of the M5218AL ...