Discuss Yocto construction and related issues
- Posts 23
- Joined: May 6th, '14, 20:47
Come on lucky owners who have succeeded to build it, don't be shy

share some recording please ! It is also a good basis to compare sound variations if there are some
Thank you,
- Posts 23
- Joined: May 6th, '14, 20:47
- Posts 23
- Joined: May 6th, '14, 20:47
- Posts 69
- Joined: Jan 7th, '14, 18:36
I'm glad you like the demos. I'll propably do some more with classic patterns!
- Posts 23
- Joined: May 6th, '14, 20:47
Well done check Mate, I put them also on Gearslutz where some people were curious about the yocto . Do some more please when time allows -:)
- Posts 69
- Joined: Jan 7th, '14, 18:36
Yes...will do. Propably tomorrow or on Saturday. I'll post them here!
- Posts 33
- Joined: Apr 23rd, '14, 09:12
Here's my first test. The closest I could get the noise section adjustment to 130mV was about 50mV in this video. I've changed R127 from 4K7 to 1K and now it's 110 but I'd like to get it closer because my snare still lacks the snap I want.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OF86KwV ... e=youtu.be[/video]
- Posts 19
- Joined: Feb 8th, '14, 17:14
- Posts 23
- Joined: May 6th, '14, 20:47
Thank you all for sharing these demos, very useful !
helpful to compare and fine tune each yocto 808.
Ebbflo: your yocto seems to me perfectly tuned (at least to my liking ), well done !
Out of curiosity would you mind sharing what mods do you plan to do ?
I'm searching for a 808 mods site to get some ideas.
Cheers to all,
- Posts 21
- Joined: Feb 28th, '14, 23:07
Just finished the Yocto yesterday, here's a demo. building a simple beat from scratch. There's one modification, to the bass drum maximum decay, tried to show that here too