Why does my Yocto² have no accent? Or, it looks like it's all accented.
When I measure the bottom drum with an oscilloscope, I can see the following values:
When a trigger occurs
R152 has a pulse of about 4V
The collector of q39 changed from 13V to 0V
R155 is always around 13V
The collector of Q40 changed from 0V to 13V
When I tried to measure the 13 pin of ic114, the drum sound disappeared and the sound came back when I moved the probe.
This makes me strange, why does this happen?
Why does my Yocto²have no accent?
How are you applying accent to it? You don't say how far you are in the build but this can be applied on a per note basis as well as global accent. these two features interact with one another as far as I know.