Search found 6 matches

by albertswift
Dec 21st, '18, 10:08
Forum: Nava Mods
Topic: [SOLD OUT] NEW RUN! Secondary Noise Source Kit
Replies: 9
Views: 24949

Re: NEW RUN! Secondary Noise Source Kit

I would be interested in a kit if you do another run.
by albertswift
Apr 28th, '17, 20:10
Forum: Yocto v1.0 Mods
Topic: Introducing: Cocteau, mod PCB for your YOCTO
Replies: 20
Views: 77465

Re: Introducing: Cocteau, mod PCB for your YOCTO

Thanks for the reply, i filled the online form in but i didn't get any confirmation, hopefully it all worked ok.
by albertswift
Apr 28th, '17, 17:41
Forum: Yocto v1.0 Mods
Topic: Introducing: Cocteau, mod PCB for your YOCTO
Replies: 20
Views: 77465

Re: Introducing: Cocteau, mod PCB for your YOCTO

Any dates for release? I paid for my case today :-)
by albertswift
Dec 4th, '16, 15:56
Forum: Nava Hardware
Topic: Looking for part for the tackle switch/switch cap
Replies: 10
Views: 13626

Re: Looking for part for the tackle switch/switch cap

Hello, did anybody have any luck with the Tact switches? I could do with a set a spares should the ones in the kit fail at some point.